Cards cost mana to play. You can't play a card if you don't have enough mana.
Much Attack
ATTACK_TRIGGER: DAMAGE 2 to opponent. once per turn.
Start with 20 health and 3 mana. Draw 4 cards.
First player gets an extra card but skips first mana gain.
1. Draw Phase: Draw 1 card, gain 1 mana (max 10)
2. Main Phase: Play cards from your hand
3. Battle Phase: Attack with your cards
4. End Phase: Resolve end-of-turn effects
Cards can't attack the turn they're played ("summoning sickness")
Combat damage = Attacker's Attack - Defender's Defense
Both cards deal damage simultaneously in battle
💖 Healing and defense focused
Strong vs CURSED (+50% damage)
Weak vs TOXIC (-25% damage)
☠️ Damage over time effects
Strong vs WHOLESOME (+50% damage)
Weak vs DANK (-25% damage)
🔥 Burst damage and combos
Strong vs TOXIC (+50% damage)
Weak vs CURSED (-25% damage)
👻 Control and debuffs
Strong vs DANK (+50% damage)
Weak vs WHOLESOME (-25% damage)
Deal damage to your opponent until their health points reach zero.
Win if your opponent cannot draw a card when required.
Some GOD_TIER cards have unique win conditions!
Balance your deck with different elements. Include both high and low-cost cards.
Don't spend all your mana each turn. Save some for abilities and reactions.
Consider element advantages before attacking. Sometimes waiting is better!
Track your opponent's used abilities. Don't waste counters on weak plays.